Monday, November 20, 2006

encontros virtuais

dear claudia,
thanks a lot for your invitation! i love to participate and hope i can get familiar with the 'blogging'- it is a new subject to me, but which i am keen to learn more about . though i have a question ;who is reading the blogspot, just the people you invite or anyone from the entire web? i think that makes a difference- at least to me. how are you- i was always wondering if you'd still be living in philadelphia or back in lisbon and what you are doing? just shortly; i finished an MA in choreography at the laban centre, here in london. throughout that year i involved a work that combined live performance and video projection- that was followed by a masterclass for 'dance on screen' . we, six participants, produced 2 minute films which were screened at the place, in the beginning of the festival .
i haven't done a lot of shiatsu; i had difficulties with the nerves of my hands- and then how many things can you do all at once??? so after this extremly intensive year i am now wondering what comes next; curiosity mixed with a certain tireness of restarting again- third time that i have moved and live now in a different country - wondering about how to construct something valuable in this quickly changing, overwhelming stimulating world, and long term questions of where i belong to.. i am curious about this project IN BETWEEN and you reached me in a time where these questions related to the project are actual and relevant to me. hope to hear from you and all the rest of the group- so will i try to post' a blog' soon!
muitos, muitos beijinhos claudia & e até muito breve nos encontros virtuais. jiska

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